This is just the end of the beginning

Now with rough animation done you may ask - What is next?. Well plenty. I am currently sussing out each scene to see what they need. Some need inbetweens, some need fixes, some are very rough drawings and need to be, what is termed in the (drawn) animation biz - tied down, not necessarily cleaned up. I want to leave the rougher line on these drawings to evoke a sense of da Vinci's sketches and frankly to call attention to the audience that they are watching drawings move. Drawings out of the hand of the artist with all the imperfections and instinct there in. When you think about drawn animation, I mean really think about it, that a film is made up of 1000's of individual sequential drawings, each of which is insignificant on it's own, practically meaningless, but as a whole invoke sorrow and laughter, fear and happiness, thoughtfulness and joy. Man, that is amazing to me.