Your Friend the Rat

production art by nate wragg (property of disney/pixar)
I always thought "Leonardo" would be my first short. But Pixar and Brad Bird gave me a great opportunity and allowed me to realize a screwy little film idea I had while heading up story on Ratatouille. On November 6th the Ratatouille DVD comes out and you guys out there (if there is anyone still checking this blog) will get to see what has distracted me from Leo for the last year. All those posts in which I said work was keeping me busy well it was because of "Your Friend the Rat" Pixar's first 2-D short! It was a blast to make and I had the privilege to lead a great team who made the film a little gem of animation. I hope you all enjoy it. If you want to see some images from the short check out animated-news and cartoon brew I'll post some photos and stuff soon.