Monday, May 01, 2006

a quote to live by

There has been a lot of response to the 5 minutes a day post. It seems to be inspiring artists out there to do their thing and if making this little film can inspire others then that is all the jet fuel I need. Here is something that has kept me going - I have this quote magnetized on my filing cabinet.

"What's to come is first a matter of what one does today, here on this spot. All those footsteps will add up." - Walter Kirn

I don't know if Mr. Kirn is quoting someone else but it doesn't really matter. I think about this quote every so often. It is related to that old chestnut - Every journey starts with the first step - but I like the beginning of this one - "...what one does today, here on this spot...". It reminds me that I have the power over my actions. Positive or negative it is my choice. That life is built up of a series of reactions to foreseen and unforeseen moments and events. Perhaps, maybe, it would be better to avoid the regrettable choice and make a difference instead.


  1. Very nice quote. Put that together with your inspiring posts (including the photo of the filled animation stacker) and you've got me ready to take on the animation world head first! Whenever I hit a bit of a wall I know your blog will flip me into a drawing frenzy!

  2. I'm with you, too! I enjoy your progress and feel it - I'm fighting with moonlighting my own film, albeit in 3D. Keep up the inspiration and the momentum!
