
adventure and absurdity in making an animated short

Monday, June 22, 2009

Announcing the Aerial Contrivance Workshop website

If you have seen the Leonardo trailer or the short you would have seen this logo. This is my extra-curricular identity. Now there is a website aerialcontrivanceworkshop.com. Here you will find information on other projects, a link to the zazzle shop, free stuff, a blog called the Libro de Botttega. The blog will eventually be a dialogue of sorts about animation film making, art, music and history. Eventually I will fold the Leonardo blog, which will purely become only about Leonardo, into the Libro de Bottega but I'll let you know when that happens. I hope to grow the website into something but for now it is a shingle over the door. Let me know what you think and sign up for the newsletter to stay in the know.


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