YFtR to screen in Bologna Italy

Your Friend the Rat is screening as part of the Future Film Festival in beautiful, sunny Bologna, Italy. This is on Saturday January the 19th at 7 PM. After the screening, I am giving a, hopefully coherent, talk about the making of the short and take questions. So if you find yourself in Bologna come by and say "hey". Also, being shown is Gary Rydstrom's "Lifted" on Thursday the 18th with a talk by Mark Holmes Lifted's production designer.
Labels: animation, Bologna, Brad Bird, Italy, movies, Pixar, Ratatouille
hey jim,
I just caught up with yer blog. Congrats on directing the short. A happy ending. Hope all is well and have a great 08.
scott caple
Hey Jim, my names Joe, I just wanted to Congratulate you and all those who worked on the short. It was gorgeous and inspiring so congrats again, be well.
A Fellow Cap.
thank you so much for putting up some photos during from the animation and giving a little behind the scenes peek.
I really loved the short at the end of the movie, so glad to see some classic stuff again.
Look forward to seeing more on your blog!
Hey Jim,
just dropping a line to say hi and hope you enjoyed your stay in Bologna. How did you find the weather there? I almost decided to come over on saturday but then it got so foggy that it would have been crazy to hit the road in those conditions... Next time!
Happy return to San Francisco and speak to you soon ;)
Hi Jim!
I was in Bologna at FFF!
I was the guy that, at the end of your presentation, asked about Leo...
Do you remember me [please, say yes ;)] ?
Good luck for your job,
Giuseppe aka Giopione
Congratulations on your Oscar nomination!
Hey man i LOVE your stuff!! great job on "your friend the Rat"!! im a grade 12, and love to draw, animate, and all around stuff. just wondering if ya have any advice??
I love your blog dude!! I'm a huge Pixar fan and "Your Friend The Rat" is soooo cool!!
scott - great to hear from you! Yes, a happy ending indeed. perseverance and all. 2008 is so far pretty good. can't complain.
mayor of cancun - hey joe, i've been called cappabianca! great stuff on your blog. keep it up. thanks for you comments. It was truly a wonderful team of talent.
dan - thanks for checking in. i will try to keep posting. i am afraid i'm not as good at it as some. but keep checking in.
giuseppe -of course i remember you. thanks for coming to the FFF. they are great people and they put on a good show. grazie.
danlevy - thank you sir. i still can't believe this.
reo- strive to be different, create limitations for yourself and bring yourself to your work. oh...and draw a lot. thanks for your kind comment.
mukpuddy - thank you sir. well i hope i can keep up the blog to your satisfaction. Glad you enjoyed the short. stay tuned for more.
Are you fine?
Your last post is January 03.
Best regards, Marco Milone
An Annie! Congratulations Jim!
Congrats on your Annie Too!
Was there and had a lot of fun.
mella - yes. i am better then fine. just been busy with a lot lately. sorry for my posting delinquency. I am terrible at this. keep checking though.
holger - hey man, thank you for lending a hand with the animation. next time we are going to get you to do some 2-D. this award has partly you to blame. you know.
philip pignotti - thanks philip it was one hell of a night. checked out your site very cool stuff. anyone who posts toot whistle is a friend of mine. best.
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